Platform Engineering: What is it?

Platform engineering is an approach to system and software development that focuses on building a set of shared tools, services, and infrastructure to empower development teams to build, deploy, and manage applications efficiently.

The software development landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies and methodologies emerging regularly. One such paradigm shift gaining traction in recent years is platform engineering. As organizations grapple with the complexities of modern software development and the challenges of managing distributed systems, platform engineering offers a path to efficiency, scalability, and collaboration. In this blog post, we will introduce the concept of platform engineering and discuss why it's becoming an essential practice in today's software development world.

What is Platform Engineering?

Platform engineering is an approach to software development that focuses on building a set of shared tools, services, and infrastructure to empower development teams to build, deploy, and manage applications efficiently. This approach emphasizes automation, self-service, and standardization, enabling teams to focus on developing innovative solutions rather than getting bogged down in operational details.

Platform engineering is closely related to DevOps, as it emphasizes collaboration between development and operations teams. However, it goes beyond DevOps by focusing on creating a scalable platform that can support the entire organization's development efforts.

The Benefits of Platform Engineering

There are several advantages to adopting a platform engineering approach, including:

  • Increased Efficiency: By providing a standardized set of tools and infrastructure, platform engineering reduces the time developers spend on setup, configuration, and deployment tasks. This allows them to focus on writing code and delivering features.
  • Scalability: A well-designed platform can easily scale to accommodate growing teams and increased workloads, ensuring that development efforts are not hampered by infrastructure limitations.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Platform engineering promotes collaboration between development and operations teams, as well as across different development teams. This fosters a culture of shared responsibility and helps break down silos within the organization.
  • Improved Security and Compliance: A platform engineering approach enables organizations to enforce security best practices and maintain compliance more effectively, as these concerns can be addressed at the platform level rather than on a per-application basis.
  • Faster Time to Market: With a platform engineering approach, development teams can deliver new features and applications more quickly, giving businesses a competitive edge in the market.

Kubernetes: A Key Enabler of Platform Engineering

Kubernetes has emerged as a critical component of many platform engineering efforts due to its powerful capabilities for container orchestration and management. By abstracting away the underlying infrastructure, Kubernetes allows development teams to build and deploy applications quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, the Kubernetes ecosystem provides a wealth of tools and services that can be leveraged as part of a platform engineering strategy, such as Helm for package management, Istio for service mesh, and Prometheus for monitoring.

Getting Started with Platform Engineering

If you're considering adopting a platform engineering approach in your organization, here are some steps to get started:

  1. Assess your current state: Evaluate your existing software development processes, tools, and infrastructure to identify areas that could benefit from platform engineering principles.
  2. Define your goals: Set clear objectives for your platform engineering initiative, such as improving efficiency, reducing time to market, or enhancing security and compliance.
  3. Build a cross-functional team: Assemble a team of developers, operations specialists, and other stakeholders who can collaborate on building and maintaining your platform.
  4. Choose the right technologies: Select the tools and technologies that will best support your platform engineering goals, considering factors such as ease of use, scalability, and integration with existing systems.
  5. Iterate and improve: Continuously refine your platform engineering approach, incorporating feedback from development teams and learning from your successes and failures.


Platform engineering represents a significant shift in the way organizations approach software development, offering numerous benefits in terms of efficiency, scalability, and collaboration. By embracing platform engineering principles, organizations can reduce operational burdens and focus on delivering value to their customers. We encourage you to explore managed services like NSaaS (Kubernetes Namespace-as-a-Service) to help you kick-start your platform engineering efforts with Kubernetes and to improve your software delivery processes and infrastructure management.